Opening rounds of AORC for YMBOT

The opening rounds of the Australian Off-road championship (AORC) were held at Golden beach, Victoria over the weekend. The Yamaha MXstore Ballard’s Off-road Team (YMBOT) were amongst the pointy end of the action after nearly a year since the last off-road race! There were well over 300 riders entered to contend for the Australian championship […]

2021 YMBOT Raring to go racing!

The Yamaha MXstore Ballard’s Off-road Team (YMBOT) is raring to go for the 2021 off-road season. The team will be attending all major off-road events across Australia; this will cover events such as the Australian Off-road Championships, NSW state off-road Championships and the Hattah Desert race. YMBOT will also be seen at selected motocross events, […]

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If you would like to become apart of the Yamaha Mxstore Ballards Offroad Team and support Jess Gardiner,
please email or complete the below contact form.

General Enquiry

If you would like to get in touch with Jess or ask some questions,
please email or complete the below contact form.