About Jess

Meet Jess!
In 2013 at just 20 years of age, Jess Gardiner became the first Australian woman to win the International Six Day Enduro (Womens class) and lead the Australian women’s team to victory in the Women’s team’s event.
Active in sports as varied as karate and horse riding Jess tried her hand at dirt biking at the age of 13 and quickly transitioned from motocross to off road.
She won the first off-road event she competed in and from there Jess took to off-road competition with single minded determination.
Jess is a human whirlwind – juggling full-time employment as a heavy equipment operator, training and racing. Despite a schedule that would leave most exhausted after a couple of days, Jess finds time to coach and mentor riders of all ages and abilities. Jess also successfully runs her own JGR offroad race team since 2018!
When in Australia, Jess rides with her trademark 737 race number and in when in Europe rides with the 77 numberplate. Her genuine love of racing and her contagious smile have made her a fan favourite.

Family & Work Life
Off-road events in Australia are often thousand’s of km away and Jess knows what it’s like to spend up to 20 hours driving to an event before she even begins to compete. The support of her family is essential – from acting as mechanic at an event to helping with the drive to and from.
In 2022 Jess is repeating the transcontinental schedule that has her juggling a full-time job, managing a race team, planning events and coaching schools, while maintaining a high pace racing schedule to contest in al National championships.